Month: April 2013
Late Night Links – Sunday April 21st, 2013
I didn’t write a late night links post last week because I forgot, and I probably won’t be writing one next week either because I’m on vacation. So there’s no room for excuses this week. Let’s dive in, shall we?
- Trust Issues
I’ve noticed the same thing. - Calgary Man Receives Jail for Flawed Courthouse Exit
The news people paint this as something especially stupid, but I bet it happens all the time. - No Oreos
- Google Streetview Hyperlapse Animates Your Planned Journey, Shows the Places You’ll Go
- Feeling Foolish
- There’s Opera Coming to the East Village
Interesting… - Instant Inspiration:, A Brand New Search Engine for Designers Sparks Your Creativity
- Organize Tasks by Effort to Budget Time Better
And there you go! Talk to you all again in two weeks.
Late Night Links – Sunday April 7th, 2013
OK, tumblr interface. I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but this time when I tell you to publish this post at a specified time let’s just get it right, shall we?
- Couldn’t Find the Queen, Found a Suitable Replacement
- Nailed the Landing
- Fasteners
- What If: Hockey Puck
- Love Me Like Kanye
HeΒ does love himself… - Ikea Pulls Moose Lasagna in Europe After Pork Found
- You Fail at Exercise Balls
- White People Almost Kissing
A book by Nicholas Sparks - Logo Fails
And we’re done for another week. See you all next Sunday!