
Late Night Links – Sunday December 20th, 2015

Welcome back! For two weeks in a row I have remembered to write a late night links post! You should make the most of it, because itā€™s likely to be the last of 2015.

And just like that, weā€™re done. Until next week (or year?), then.


With the craziness of buying a new house in the last couple of months we never did get around to making Christmas cards this year, so if you’ve been waiting by your mailbox you can stop that now. I promise we’ll do some extra-cheesy ones next year, and I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, from our family to yours.


With the craziness of buying a new house in the last couple of months we never did get around to making Christmas cards this year, so if you’ve been waiting by your mailbox you can stop that now. I promise we’ll do some extra-cheesy ones next year, and I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, from our family to yours.


Late Night Links – Sunday December 13th, 2015

Well, itā€™s certainly been a long time since my last late night links post, but between moving house and everything else Iā€™ve had going on it fell by the wayside a little bit. Good news, though: itā€™s back!

…and weā€™re done! Until next week then, Internet.