
Late Night Links – Sunday June 29th, 2014

Good news, everybody! It’s late night links time again.

And we’re done! See you all in seven days, what.



Daily chart: Everything you need to know about UFOs

On July 2nd avid watchers of the skies celebrate World UFO day.The National UFO Reporting Centre, a non-profit, has catalogued almost 90,000 reported sightings of UFOs, mostly in America, since 1974. It turns out that aliens are considerate: they seldom disturb earthlings during working or sleeping hours. Rather, they tend to arrive in the evening, especially on Fridays, when folks are sitting on the front porch nursing their fourth beer.

I especially like that they used the term “drinking hours” to describe what we once knew as “evening,” but still. Potentially pretty telling.



Daily chart: Everything you need to know about UFOs

On July 2nd avid watchers of the skies celebrate World UFO day.The National UFO Reporting Centre, a non-profit, has catalogued almost 90,000 reported sightings of UFOs, mostly in America, since 1974. It turns out that aliens are considerate: they seldom disturb earthlings during working or sleeping hours. Rather, they tend to arrive in the evening, especially on Fridays, when folks are sitting on the front porch nursing their fourth beer.

I especially like that they used the term “drinking hours” to describe what we once knew as “evening,” but still. Potentially pretty telling.


Late Night Links – Sunday June 22nd, 2014

It’s late night links time again, yo.

And that’s it! We’re done for another week. See you all next Sunday, same time, same place.



A couple of days ago I blogged about some weird workplace etiquette surrounding phone calls that we seem to have developed into our culture where I work.

One or two people mentioned this video of what a conference call would look like in real life and I don’t think I’ve shared it before so, enjoy! Happy Friday, everyone!


Weird Workplace Etiquette

I’ve noticed some strange etiquette that seems to be plaguing my workplace.

It’s been going on for a long time, but now that I’ve explicitly noticed it it’s really starting to bother me. It’s this:


Every phone call seems to be preceded by an IM or an email, asking if a phone call is acceptable. If the call initiator feels that there’s going to be more than a few minutes of content, then it’s not at all unusual for them to book the call in a half hour slot on your calendar, often with conference line information included so everyone can avoid the “what’s the best number to call you at?” pre-conversation. Sometimes that meeting invite is also preceded by an IM or an email asking if it’s acceptable to set up some time.

Does this happen in every workplace, or is it some unique etiquette that’s grown into the culture of just mine?

I’ve been as guilty of this behaviour as anyone else in the past, but I’m working to stamp it out now.

Here’s the deal: if you want to call me, just call. If it turns out you’re doing so at an inopportune time and I’m busy with other things, my voicemail will give you some appropriate options. And the best number to reach me at? That would be the one that appears beside my name in the corporate directory.

What strange etiquette rules exist where you work?


Late Night Links – Sunday June 15th, 2014

It’s been a tiring weekend here in the Jason, @AsignCwGrl, @SnoopysBF household. We’ve been out well past our bedtimes for the last three nights. As a result it’s about a quarter past eight as I write this and I’m exhausted. Flo is asleep on the sofa in the living room, and has been for several hours now. Ultimately my point is this: let’s get this late night links thing over with, so I can go to sleep.

And that’s it for another week, folks! Until next time…



Last night, Flo took to me to the science centre for my pre-birthday. The second Thursday of every month is adults only night – there’s all the same exhibits, but there’s also a DJ and a bar.

Anyway, we went to a workshop there to learn how to solder. There were a couple of things that you could build from kits. Flo built a device that, at the click of a button, turns off all TVs in the immediate vicinity.

I made this useless box! Behold, the uselessness!!


Late Night Links – Sunday June 8th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again peeps! And it’s a beautiful day so you should be extra thankful that I’m sitting here inside with my laptop putting this stuff together for you.

And that’s it! We’re all done for another week. See you all in seven days, same time, same place.