
Late Night Links – Monday July 15th, 2013

OK so I’m a day late, but that’s just because Flo and I have been stampeding all weekend and I certainly didn’t have the time or the energy for this yesterday. Sue me.

And we’re done for this week! Next weekend will find me staying indoors, trying to catch up on sleep and not spend any money, so I have no excuses for not posting on time. Probably.


Late Night Links – Sunday July 7th, 2013

Look at that! I remembered!

And we’re done for another week! Next week I’ll be out most of Sunday at the Calgary Stampede, so the chances of me remembering to write a late night links post are low. Consider yourselves warned.


Late Night Links – Sunday June 30th, 2013

Welcome one and all to another exciting edition of late night links! The astute amongst you may have noticed that there wasn’t one last week, but that’s because Calgary was hit with some pretty epic flooding and we were temporarily evacuated from our home. We’re all good now though – we were some of the lucky ones and there was no damage to our building or any of our other property. All is back to normal, so let’s get on with this week’s edition. There’s much to get through:

And we’re done for another week! I’ll see you next time. Stay classy, San Diego.