
Late Night Links – Sunday April 20th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again internet people! Late night links! Welcome to the latest collection of junk I’ve found on the internet in the past seven days.

And that’s it for another week, folks! Hope you’re all having / have had a good Easter, and I’ll talk to you next week, same time, same place.



Charlie Brown (@SnoopysBF) singing along with the sound of emergency vehicle sirens outside on the street.


Late Night Links – Sunday April 13th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again, and since there was no late night links last week we have much to get through. So let’s go.

And we’re done! That was a lot to get through, so let’s all take the rest of the week off.


Overhauling my Digital Life

If you’ve been reading or watching the news recently youā€™ll no doubt have heard about the Heartbleed bug thatā€™s been widely reported. Itā€™s a vulnerability in the OpenSSL library that many websites use to enable the SSL/TLS encryption that secures your traffic to that site, keeping your passwords and credit card information safe.

Itā€™s probably about time to go and update all your passwords (although you should wait until the site tells you to, because they need to patch the bug and reissue their SSL certificates before theyā€™re properly protected and not all sites will have done this yet), but all this coincidentally comes when Iā€™m in the midst of a plan to get my digital life in order.

There are a couple of things I’ve done recently that, in truth, I should have done a long time ago ā€“ and you should do them too.


First of all, an experiment: raise your hand if you think backing up your data to a remote location is a good idea, or perhaps even an essential practice. OK? Now keep your hand raised if actually do this.

Right, thatā€™s what I thought. Until the start of this month I would also have sheepishly lowered my hand at the second question. At home we have a server that handles the syncing of documents between our several computers ā€“ the result being that all those really important files exist in a few places, including the server itself. Thatā€™s not bad, but if there were some kind of catastrophe affecting our home then everything would be lost because itā€™s all in one physical location.

And it gets worse. The server has a 1TB drive that was big enough to back up all our photos, video and music when I bought it. Itā€™s still big enough to hold all that stuff, but as our collection of digital assets like that has grown thereā€™s no longer room on the individual computers to store everything. Not a big deal ā€“ all that stuff is on the server anyway and we can just stream it to whatever device we want to play things on. Fine, except now thereā€™s only one copy of all our photos and music. If the drive in the server failed weā€™d lose all that stuff. For me thatā€™s more than a decade of pictures.

In the past I’ve been unwilling to spend the money necessary to get enough cloud backup space to put all this stuff in, but prices have dropped recently (which really is what prompted me to look at my needs) and anyway, this really is something worth paying for.

I got myself 100GB of online storage from ADrive. I donā€™t know that Iā€™d recommend them for everyone because the transfer speed I get when I upload stuff is pretty slow, but for me itā€™s perfect: theyā€™re a good price ($25 a year) and I can upload files using rsync, which means itā€™s extremely easy for me to set up automated backup jobs on our server without needing to install anything. I don’t really need a super-fast transfer speed because my future backup jobs will be incremental (only uploading files that have changed) and syncing documents between computers is not a need – we already have that.

Two-Factor Authentication

The other big upgrade to my digital life recently has been two-factor authentication. Iā€™ve known of it for a while, although I hadnā€™t used it at all until recently. Basically though itā€™s for website logins, and the two factors it talks of are something you know (your password) and something you have (your cell phone).

Iā€™ve turned on two-factor authentication wherever I could, using the Google Authenticator app from the play store where possible, and text messaging elsewhere. Essentially the way this works is that when you sign in to a website using your username and password, youā€™re prompted to enter a code you get either from the app or texted to you ā€“ the point being that even if somebody knew your username and password, if they donā€™t have your phone they wonā€™t be able to log in.

Iā€™ve enabled this on Google (Gmail, drive, etc), facebook, twitter, tumblr, Evernote, PayPal and anywhere else I could find that offers it too.


They’re cleaning the parkade at our apartment building today, so Flo left for the office later than usual. The result being that we left at the same time, went to the same place, and took two cars.

As we were leaving I told Flo that she should take her usual route to get here and I’d take mine, and whoever got here first would get the underground parking spot. She didn’t agree.

We got here at exactly the same time. I actually arrived first, but that’s because as I was going through an intersection a couple of blocks from the office Flo was waiting in the turn lane to join the street I was already on. There is no difference at all in our chosen routes.


They’re cleaning the parkade at our apartment building today, so Flo left for the office later than usual. The result being that we left at the same time, went to the same place, and took two cars.

As we were leaving I told Flo that she should take her usual route to get here and I’d take mine, and whoever got here first would get the underground parking spot. She didn’t agree.

We got here at exactly the same time. I actually arrived first, but that’s because as I was going through an intersection a couple of blocks from the office Flo was waiting in the turn lane to join the street I was already on. There is no difference at all in our chosen routes.