
Late Night Links – Sunday October 11th, 2015

Even though itā€™s a holiday weekend (happy thanksgiving!) and weā€™re in the midst of packing in preparation for moving in a few weeks, I still remembered to write late night links! Iā€™m amazing.

And with that, weā€™re done for another week! See you all at the same time next week then, if I havenā€™t packed the internet connection equipment by then.


Chromecast Audio

On Tuesday I wrote about how I was very much un-wowed by
Googleā€™s recently announced latest addition to the Nexus line of devices
, the

There was, however, something announced at last weekā€™s
Google event that I was very excited about.


Meet the Chromecast audio.

Chromecast devices have been around for a little while now,
and theyā€™re a USB-powered dongle that plugs into a spare HDMI port on your TV
and allows you to ā€œcastā€ video from your phone to display it on the big screen.

The audio version follows a very similar concept. Itā€™s also
powered by USB, but then it plugs into your existing stereo and allows you to ā€œcastā€
music to it from your phone.

You could argue that Bluetooth works just fine for doing
this ā€“ indeed we have a Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen for just this sort of
thing. Google tells us that a WiFi device can offer better sound quality than Bluetooth
is capable of and has some other benefits too, but I donā€™t care about any of

What Iā€™m excited about, is the possibility of whole home
audio. I built my
whole home audio system
from a collection of raspberry pis because I
thought the existing offerings in the marketplace didnā€™t offer good value.
Apparently Google agree.

The Chromecast audio wonā€™t have whole home audio
functionality at launch, but apparently itā€™s coming in a future software
update. I for one am very excited about this.

The benchmark system for whole home audio is quite clearly Sonos ā€“ thatā€™s the system against which all
others are measured. They have a product called the Connect which allows you take
a set of speakers you already own and, for want of a better term, make them ā€œsmart.ā€

The Chromecast does much the same thing, but for the price
of one Sonos Connect you could buy ten of them.


Thoughts on Googleā€™s Nexus Event

If you werenā€™t aware, last Tuesday Google held a product
announcement event. This was very interesting to me, chiefly because of the new
Nexus phones that were being announced.

About two years ago I bought a Google Nexus 5, either on
launch day or shortly thereafter. Iā€™m very glad that I did, itā€™s a fantastic
phone thatā€™s still popular today, and it was about half the price of its
similarly-specā€™d competitors. The important thing about the price was that it
changed the model under which I purchase smartphones: instead of getting them
deeply discounted or free through a carrier (providing I promise to stay with
them and not change my phone again for two years), I bought the phone outright.

I now have a phone plan that costs me $25 a month for
unlimited calls and texts, and 2gb of internet and the maximum speed my
provider can deliver (it gets throttled if I go over that limit, but even then
I donā€™t pay more). I got that deal precisely because I already owned my device,
and because I didnā€™t buy my phone from the carrier Iā€™m not tied into a contract
with them either. If they were to choose to stop offering that kind of
excellent value then I can simply choose to go somewhere else.

Last year at Googleā€™s annual Nexus event they announce the
Nexus 6, and it represents a significant mindset shift that I didnā€™t like. The
Nexus 5 focused on real-world performance and eschewed bleeding-edge components
in favour of offering superior value, but the 6 took the opposite approach. As
a result it was more money than I wanted to spend on a phone, and it also
followed the trend of flagship phones having huge (six inch) displays, putting
it mighty close to ā€œphabletā€ territory. I donā€™t like this trend.

Others felt the same way and the Nexus 6 didnā€™t see nearly
the same success as the 5. Thatā€™s why I was so excited about last weekā€™s event:
a return to the way of thinking that resulted in the Nexus 5 was anticipated,
and in fact many details of the Nexus 5X were leaked in advance.

As the event progressed I kept an eye on coverage of it from
a couple of my favourite sites, waiting to be wowed, but the wow moment never

I think itā€™s because two years ago the thinking that led to
the creation of the Nexus 5 was outside the box, almost revolutionary. The idea
that a flagship device didnā€™t have to cost $1,000 was crazy. The model was so
successful though that other manufacturers have taken notice since then. OnePlus
and Motorola are two notable examples offering fantastic phones that are easy
on the wallet.

In retrospect, I donā€™t know what I wanted from Google. It
was the revolutionary nature of the Nexus 5 two years ago that blew my mind and
this time around I was looking for an evolution that also blew my mind. I got
my evolution, but of course my mind remains intact. It also doesnā€™t help that
the Canadian dollar is not performing as well against the U.S. dollar as it was
two years ago, so the value isnā€™t there to quite the same extent.

I will probably still buy myself a Nexus 5X. Thereā€™s a lot
to be said for the pure Android experience, the way that Google intended it
(along with immediate updates when new versions are released). What I was
hoping for is a phone that clearly offered a better value proposition than the
Moto X Play (which I believe to be the best value out there right now). The 5X
is a bit better, but also a bit more expensive. Itā€™s a toss-up.

I do wish it had wireless charging though. If it werenā€™t for
that omission Iā€™d never have gone on this rant.


Late Night Links – Sunday October 4th, 2015

Itā€™s Sunday night! Boo, work tomorrow, etc. But also late night links! Yay!

And weā€™re done! Until next time, internet.


Late Night Links – Sunday September 27th, 2015

Itā€™s that time again! Iā€™ve also just realized that itā€™s been three weeks since I last wrote one of these. I donā€™t know how that happened, but letā€™s just dive in.

And as suddenly as it arrived, it was gone.


Jayā€™s Patented Blue Ribbon of Awesomeness

This, is Jayā€™s Patented Blue Ribbon of Awesomeness:


I created it probably five or so years ago and included it whenever I sent an email thanking or congratulating a colleague for doing good work and exceeding my expectations.

Itā€™s a little tongue-in-cheek, obviously, but itā€™s always well received.

Since I created it my workplace has implemented a platform specifically for peer-to-peer recognition and the ribbon has truly found its spiritual home.

For a little while though Iā€™ve been feeling that the ribbon is getting a little long in the tooth and Iā€™ve been trying to come up with a new idea to replace it. I have no new ideas.

Recently our recognition platform of choice added the ability to attach videos to recognition moments instead of just pictures. Sold. I took a few hours one afternoon last week and crafted a masterpiece:


At work weā€™re making a collective effort to get better at responding to messages in a more prompt manner.

Iā€™m sure my boss Matt appreciates the helpful countdown timer I attached to my most recent email to him, then.

Or maybe Iā€™m doing it wrong?


At work weā€™re making a collective effort to get better at responding to messages in a more prompt manner.

Iā€™m sure my boss Matt appreciates the helpful countdown timer I attached to my most recent email to him, then.

Or maybe Iā€™m doing it wrong?