
Late Night Links – Sunday September 6th, 2015

It’s late night links time, and I remembered to write even though it’s labour day weekend here! To celebrate, let’s just dive right in.

And we’re done! See all next week, same time, same place.


Late Night Links – Sunday August 30th, 2015

I started writing this week’s late night links post a little while ago but my computer did the whole “blue screen of death” thing and I lost it. Hopefully this doesn’t become a Windows 10 trend. We’ll see. Anyway…

And that’s it for another week. Until next time, internet.


Late Night Links – Sunday August 23rd, 2015

It’s Sunday night. You all know the drill by now.

And we’re all done! That was a lot to get through (apparently it’s been an exciting week on my reading liust), so I suggest everyone take the week off and I’ll see you next Sunday.


Late Night Links – Sunday August 16th, 2015