Category: Shrapnel
Twitter’s new button lets you accept private messages from your website
The Glow of Hitting a home Run is Out After You Realize It Smashed Your Windshield
A good while back Flo and I went for a date night at Telus Spark, during which I built the Useless Box.
Unfortunately it didn’t stay working for very long as a result of my shoddy soldering skills during the workshop, but I’m now the proud owner of my very own soldering iron, so this afternoon I fixed it!
As an aside, this thing runs at 3v: more or less the same voltage as the home-brew home automation devices I alluded to planning on my blog. Do I replace the simple circuit that runs this thing with a WiFi enabled micro-controller?
Infomercial situations that have never happened to anyone (19 Gifs)
I love the problems Infomercial people have…
Infomercial situations that have never happened to anyone (19 Gifs)
Ken M returns to perfect the art of trolling (14 Photos)
Audiophiles in Japan are installing their own electricity poles
The Onion Omega2 lets you add Linux to your hardware projects
This is interesting.
I have some hardware projects planned (watch this space), and I’m planning to put some NodeMCUs at the heart of them, but those are $8 each on Amazon and I’m not made of money…
The Onion Omega2 lets you add Linux to your hardware projects