
Late Night Links – Sunday November 30th, 2014

Can you believe it’s already that time of the week again?



Late Night Links – Sunday November 23rd, 2014

You know what, let’s just skip the introductory sentence entirely this week and drive right in!

Oh, wait…

And that’s all for another week folks! Until next time, then.


All year I’ve been saving a little bit of money each week for Christmas gifts.

Today I hit the internet, and now it’s all gone.

Does it really make me such a bad person if I like money more than I like Christmas? Really?


All year I’ve been saving a little bit of money each week for Christmas gifts.

Today I hit the internet, and now it’s all gone.

Does it really make me such a bad person if I like money more than I like Christmas? Really?


Late Night Links – Sunday November 16th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again, and we’re still behind from the six weeks I took off. Let’s just get going right away, then. Post-haste, if you will. Quickly.

And that’s it for another week! Until next time, then.