30 more puns that are so bad they’re good right here.
Category: Shrapnel
Late Night Links – Sunday July 13th, 2014
It’s the final day of my week off work, which makes me a little sad. On the plus side though the fact that it’s Sunday means it’s late night links time again. Yay! Let’s get started.
- Two Planes Almost Collided in Barcelona, and it Was Caught on Stunning High-Def Video
- Death Metal Band to Play in Airtight Cube Until They Run Out of Oxygen
- Commandr Adds Custom Google Now Voice Commands with Tasker Integration
Interesting. I might give this a try. - Potato Salad Kickstarter Raises Much More Than Expected
This guy wanted $10 to make a potato salad, so he took to kickstarter. At the time of writing, he’d raised nearly $50,000. - Sunrise Over Nashville
Kinda pretty, huh? - Five Facts About Colours That Will Change How You See the World
Colours are weird. You can’t describe a colour without referencing other colours. How do we know that we don’t all see them differently? Maybe what I know as “red” isn’t the same as what you know as “red.” - Correct a Misheard Google Now Voice Command by Saying “No, I Said…”
The title of this article pretty much makes the content an unnecessary read, but I didn’t know you could do this so I guess I’ll forgive it. - This DIY Desk Saves Space, Folds Up Into a Wall Mirror When Not In Use
Love it. - Everyday Football Fouls
What if real life was like the world cup? - British Plugs Are Better Than All Other Plugs
- One Day Long Exposure Photography
This is pretty cool. - A Rocket Scientist at Oxford University is Designing Better Cookware
- Top 10 Things You Might be Doing Wrong Every Day
Spoiler alert: You’re doing everything wrong. - North Korean News Claims They’ve Won Their Group at The World Cup
This is awesome. I wonder how they get on in the final 16?
And with that, we’re all done for another week. See you all next Sunday!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivOrKizry94?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]
Charlie has a new best friend, he likes Trinh! See, he is friendly!! #happypuppy #yorkie #bestbuds
Charlie has a new best friend, he likes Trinh! See, he is friendly!! #happypuppy #yorkie #bestbuds
Late Night Links – Sunday July 6th, 2014
It’s that time of the week again!
- 25 Free HTML Resume Templates for Your Successful Online Job Application
- Anti-Spam Law Won’t Stop All Unwanted Emails, Says Expert
No shit. - Seven Things I Learned As An Accomplice to Mass Murder
Interesting read. - Nine Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day
- Google Is About to Take Over Your Whole Life, and You Won’t Even Notice
- SYNEK’s Countertop Tap Puts Your Kegerator Out to Pasture
- Graphic Designer Trolls Restaurant Owner with Dirty Logos
Love this. - Police Promise to Put a Halt to Loud Vehicles This Summer
Fine, I’ll turn it down. - Non-Disney Words
- Andoird Wear Review: Taking Smartwatches in the Right Direction
I’ve put some money aside to buy one of these. I’m waiting for the Moto 360. - Never Try and Impress Your Doctor
- Idiot Sighting
- Rural Bar Owner Says New Impaired-Driving Rules Hurting His Business
Seriously? You’re pro-drink driving because you can make money from it? - Freedom
- Fireworks Filmed With a Drone
I might have posted this before (I don’t recall for sure), but since Canada Day and Independence Day were both this week and involved lots of fireworks, here it is again!
And we’re done! See y’all next week, etc.
Thanks to esquire.com (and their source, applied optics), I’ve acquired some new knowledge today:
Revelations 21:8 calls hell a “lake which burneth of fire and brimstone.” To maintain liquid (lake) form and not vapor (cloud), molten brimstone or sulfur must be ≤ sulfur’s boiling point (444.6°c).
Isaiah 30:26 says heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as Earth from the Sun, plus “sevenfold as the light of 7 days.” The Stefan-Boltzmann 4th power law for radiation (H/E)4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of Earth (300°k), deems Heaven 798°k or 525°c.
Heaven is hotter than hell.
Thanks to esquire.com (and their source, applied optics), I’ve acquired some new knowledge today:
Revelations 21:8 calls hell a “lake which burneth of fire and brimstone.” To maintain liquid (lake) form and not vapor (cloud), molten brimstone or sulfur must be ≤ sulfur’s boiling point (444.6°c).
Isaiah 30:26 says heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as Earth from the Sun, plus “sevenfold as the light of 7 days.” The Stefan-Boltzmann 4th power law for radiation (H/E)4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of Earth (300°k), deems Heaven 798°k or 525°c.
Heaven is hotter than hell.