
Late Night Links – Sunday July 13th, 2014

It’s the final day of my week off work, which makes me a little sad. On the plus side though the fact that it’s Sunday means it’s late night links time again. Yay! Let’s get started.

And with that, we’re all done for another week. See you all next Sunday!


Late Night Links – Sunday July 6th, 2014


Thanks to (and their source, applied optics), I’ve acquired some new knowledge today:

Revelations 21:8 calls hell a “lake which burneth of fire and brimstone.” To maintain liquid (lake) form and not vapor (cloud), molten brimstone or sulfur must be ≤ sulfur’s boiling point (444.6°c).

Isaiah 30:26 says heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as Earth from the Sun, plus “sevenfold as the light of 7 days.” The Stefan-Boltzmann 4th power law for radiation (H/E)4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of Earth (300°k), deems Heaven 798°k or 525°c.

Heaven is hotter than hell.


Thanks to (and their source, applied optics), I’ve acquired some new knowledge today:

Revelations 21:8 calls hell a “lake which burneth of fire and brimstone.” To maintain liquid (lake) form and not vapor (cloud), molten brimstone or sulfur must be ≤ sulfur’s boiling point (444.6°c).

Isaiah 30:26 says heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as Earth from the Sun, plus “sevenfold as the light of 7 days.” The Stefan-Boltzmann 4th power law for radiation (H/E)4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of Earth (300°k), deems Heaven 798°k or 525°c.

Heaven is hotter than hell.