
Late Night Links – Sunday April 27th, 2014

It’s Sunday night once again, where does the time go, etc, etc? Lamentations on my life disappearing aside, it’s late night links time!

And as quickly as it came, it was gone.

Until next week, internet.


Late Night Links – Sunday April 20th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again internet people! Late night links! Welcome to the latest collection of junk I’ve found on the internet in the past seven days.

And that’s it for another week, folks! Hope you’re all having / have had a good Easter, and I’ll talk to you next week, same time, same place.



Charlie Brown (@SnoopysBF) singing along with the sound of emergency vehicle sirens outside on the street.


Late Night Links – Sunday April 13th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again, and since there was no late night links last week we have much to get through. So let’s go.

And we’re done! That was a lot to get through, so let’s all take the rest of the week off.