
Late Night Links – Sunday March 30th, 2014

It’s that time of the week again, and since I’m going to be away next weekend today’s post is almost certainly going to have to hold you for two weeks.

And that’s it! We’re done for a couple of weeks! Talk to you soon, internetters.


Late Night Links – Sunday March 23rd, 2014

It’s that time again! It’s been a particularly busy week of looking at junk on the internet, so I have much to get through. We’d better get started.

And we’re done for another week! Until next time, internet!


I purchased the stupid $400 headphones that I’ve mentioned once or twice before.

I already love them. Last night while Flo was out walking the dog I tried listening to a bunch of different types of music (some hip-hop, some classic rock, and some classical) and it all sounded amazing (currently playing: Kleerup’s self-titled album).

When she got home she was in the bedroom doing something, and I was vaguely aware of some noises in the apartment. I hit pause and I could hear Charlie barking. It sounded so much like he was outside in the hallway that I actually got up to go see what was going on, and let him in if he’d somehow been left out there.

Once I’d taken the headphones off and I didn’t have the benefit of noise cancelling I could hear that he wasn’t actually in the hallway at all – he was standing about eight feet from me.


I purchased the stupid $400 headphones that I’ve mentioned once or twice before.

I already love them. Last night while Flo was out walking the dog I tried listening to a bunch of different types of music (some hip-hop, some classic rock, and some classical) and it all sounded amazing (currently playing: Kleerup’s self-titled album).

When she got home she was in the bedroom doing something, and I was vaguely aware of some noises in the apartment. I hit pause and I could hear Charlie barking. It sounded so much like he was outside in the hallway that I actually got up to go see what was going on, and let him in if he’d somehow been left out there.

Once I’d taken the headphones off and I didn’t have the benefit of noise cancelling I could hear that he wasn’t actually in the hallway at all – he was standing about eight feet from me.