Dog problems. [x]
Follow @SnoopysBF on twitter. His feed is full of puppy insight like this. He only speaks dog, of course, so you might need to find some way of translating.
Dog problems. [x]
Follow @SnoopysBF on twitter. His feed is full of puppy insight like this. He only speaks dog, of course, so you might need to find some way of translating.
Convention dictates the preamble be kept to a minimum.
And we’re all done! See you next time, everybody. Have a good week, enjoy the better weather, etc, etc.
I believe that you’re born with an unknown, but predetermined and finite number of heartbeats. Once you’ve used them all up that’s it – your time has come and you die.
The result of this is that anything you do which increases your heart-rate (exercise, taking the stairs when there’s a perfectly good elevator right there, leaving the house, generally walking around, etc) is just using your heartbeats up faster and shortening your life.
I have learned that I’m far from alone in thinking this! Check out Heartbeat Hypothesis on wikipedia. Somebody who clearly has no respect for science has flagged the article as “dubious,” which I take some issue with. The article also says that fit people live longer because they have a lower resting heart rate than unhealthy people, which is an interesting interpretation but is entirely missing the point, I think.
How does one edit wikipedia articles?
I feel like this requires a response, and 140 characters just aren’t enough.
What is @JayWll doing? Looking up colored clarinets online and using the word #pimpin. #weird #SoNOTpimpin
— Flo (@asiancwgrl) March 10, 2014
I don’t remember exactly how this came about. I think Flo showed me a video of a dog singing along to somebody playing an instrument. We don’t know if Charlie would do that because even though I can play clarinet and Flo can play the flute we don’t actually own any instruments. I took a look on eBay to see how much they would cost.
But all of that is beside the point, because look at what I found!
Just look! How are you going to tell me that’s not pimpin? They even come with a pair of white cotton handling gloves!
It’s that time again!
And that’s it done for another week, folks! This week was an hour shorter than usual because farmers, daylight, etc. Next week is the normal length so statistically (based on this post and some quick math) you can expect an extra 0.126 links next time around. So that’s something to look forward to.
It’s is time for a new Top Gear Special! This weekend, Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond head to Burma and cross the country in lorries they have bought online for little money. The mission is ambitious: to build a bridge over the river Kwai. (for the ones who have never heard of the river Kwai here is some recommended viewing: The Bridge on the River Kwai