

It’s is time for a new Top Gear Special! This weekend, Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond head to Burma and cross the country in lorries they have bought online for little money. The mission is ambitious: to build a bridge over the river Kwai. (for the ones who have never heard of the river Kwai here is some recommended viewing:Β The Bridge on the River Kwai



Top Gear Christmas special is on today (the first part of it, anyway).

Since daylight savings time starts here tonight and not for a couple of weeks in the UK I can’t figure out what time it’s on. I think noon, MDT. I will be watching BBC2 from noon onwards.


Finite Heartbeats Theory

This came up in conversation this morning and I was looking for an internet source to point somebody to. I couldn’t find one, so I guess I’ve never posted about it before. So here. Pay attention kids, this is important.

I believe that you’re born with an unknown, but predetermined and finite number of heartbeats. Once you’ve used them all up that’s it – your time has come and you die.

The result of this is that anything you do which increases your heart-rate (exercise, taking the stairs when there’s a perfectly good elevator right there, leaving the house, generally walking around, etc) is just using your heartbeats up faster and shortening your life.


Late Night Links – Sunday March 2nd, 2014

It’s been ridiculously cold this weekend, so I have been mostly hiding in the apartment since I got home on Friday. If, however, you were thinking that the extra time I have as a result will help to make this week’s late night links better than usual then you are sorely mistaken.

And we’re done for another week! Stay warm, and I’ll see you next Sunday.


Late Night Links – Sunday February 23rd, 2014

It’s that time of the week again!

And we’re done for another week! See you again in another seven days, internet.