Category: Shrapnel
Late Night Links – Sunday February 9th, 2014
It’s that time of the week again peeps! Let’s get this going though, because as I write this it’s about lunchtime and there’s a new episode of Top Gear on in just over half an hour that I want to watch.
- Dash Reads Your Car’s Diagnostic Info, Tracks Data, Finds Gas
I saw something similar not too long ago. I think this would be interesting, although I suspect I don’t drive in an especially fuel-efficient manner. - Dilbert Feb 3: Willpower
- You Get What You Pay For
- This Superbowl Commercial is the Only One Worth Watching
You probably didn’t see it. It only aired in Georgia and is for a personal injury lawyer… but it’s awesome. - Paper News-Reading App Makes Facebook Prettier, A Bit Less Functional
- The Rash
We all know one. - This Liquid Can Make Any Gloves Touchscreen Friendly
Need it. - The Red Nexus 5 Is Now On Sale at Google Play
Is Valentine’s day coming up or something? I prefer my wooden one, courtesy of slickwraps. - Candlelight Dinner
Clearly Valentine’s day is coming up. I hope Flo is as excited about this offer as I am. - Speak Live With Chat Assistants to Get Discounts on the Web
Interesting strategy. I always dismiss those little popups as soon as they appear. Maybe I shouldn’t. - Jamaican Bobsled Team Arrives at Sochi Games Without Luggage or Equipment
I smell a Cool Runnings sequel. - These Tweets Prove Russia is Complete Unprepared for the Winter Olympics
Well, at least the Jamaicans aren’t the only ones not quite ready to go, I guess. Also: this. - Always Open
- Meet the Man Who Hacked Jeopardy
- ‘Beep’ Works Like a Chromecast for Your Old Speakers
I could really use a whole-house audio solution… - Citizenship Act Overhaul to Include Longer Wait to Become Canadian
I qualify now under the current rules, but I’d have to wait until August under the new rules. I might just apply this week. - Google Targets Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws with Rainbow Olympic Homepage
- Busiest Speed-On-Green Camera [In Calgary] Caught More Than 28,000 Drivers in 2013
Not me! But Flo did get caught speeding through here in a Car2Go. lol - Edward Snowden Used Automated Web Search Tools to Collect NSA Data
- That One Song
- Uh…
- Never Be This Guy at a Wedding
This made me laugh. I’m sure we’ve all done it though. Right?
And that’s it! We’re done for another week. Laterz, yo.
Basically everytime i start a new tv series that’s been on for a while.
Just wrapped up season 4 of Entourage. Started watching last weekend.
Basically everytime i start a new tv series that’s been on for a while.
Just wrapped up season 4 of Entourage. Started watching last weekend.
Late Night Links – Sunday February 2nd, 2014
Can you believe it’s February already, etc, etc? Anyway… welcome to the first of the new-look late night links. Nothing really has changed, except the whole Shrapnel blog has been moved in preparation for becoming a part of my new-look website. The content is exactly the same junk it’s always been though, so let’s jump in!
- How Google Broke Itself and Fixed Itself, Automatically
- Makeshift Extension Cord
Why have a I never thought of using these like this? - “Cooking”
I defrost a mean… well, anything really. - Working Remotely Doesn’t Mean You Should Work from Home
This past week I’ve worked from the office, the apartment, a coffee shop, a doctor’s waiting room and the car. So I agree. - Only in Canada
- Your Life is Wasting Away
- Watch a Guy Ride Outside a Subway Car Over the Williamsburg Bridge
- Simplicity at its Finest
- How Often Do You Really Need to Shower?
WTF? - Look Away Before Your Brain Gets Fried by the Physics Here
Love it! I kind of want to make one. - Pedestrian Punches Driver After Being Hit by Vehicle
It’s “not your typical hit and run,” notes the article. - But Who?
- Other Way Around…
- Lenovo Buying Motorola’s Handset Business from Google for Nearly $3 Billion
There was a good while where I thought my next phone would be a Moto X, then I got a Nexus 5 instead. I was looking forward to there being more Google-developed phones though, seeing as they work so well with Android and don’t have so much junk pre-installed. This is a bit of a shame, if you ask me. - So Much Stupidity
- It’s Not Memory Loss – Older Minds May Just Be Fuller of Information
Not sure that headline’s grammatically correct, but still. Interesting. - Building a Tip Jar for the Credit Card Era
And that’s it! We’re done for another week!
asiancwgrl. xoxo