
New Code Projects: Backblaze B2 Version Cleaner & VBA SharePoint List Library

Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve posted code of any description, but Iā€™ve been working on a couple of things recently that Iā€™m going to make publicly available on my GitLab page (and my mirror repository at

Backblaze B2 Version Cleaner

I wrote last week about transitioning my cloud backup to Backblazeā€™s B2 service, and I also mentioned a feature of it thatā€™s nice but also slightly problematic to me: it keeps an unlimited version history of all files.

Thatā€™s good, because it gives me the ability to go back in time should I ever need to, but over time the size of this version history will add up – and Iā€™m paying for that storage.

So, Iā€™ve written a script that will remove old versions once a newer version of the same file has reached a certain (configurable)Ā ā€œsafe age.ā€

For my purposes I use 30 days, so a month after Iā€™ve overwritten or deleted a file the old version is discarded. If I havenā€™t seen fit to roll back the clock before then my chance is gone.

Get the code here!

VBA SharePoint List Library

This one I created for work. Getting data from a SharePoint list into Excel is easy, but I needed to write Excel data to a list. I assumed thereā€™d be a VBA function that did this for me, but as it turns out I was mistaken – so I wrote one!

At the time of writing this is inĀ ā€œproof of conceptā€ stage. It works, but itā€™s too limited for primetime (it can only create new list items, not update existing ones, and each new item can only have a single field).

Out of necessity Iā€™ll be developing this one pretty quickly though, so check back regularly! Once itā€™s more complete Iā€™ll be opening it up to community contributions.

I have no plans to add functions that read from SharePoint to this library, but once I have the basic framework down that wouldnā€™t be too hard to add if youā€™re so inclined. Just make sure you contribute back!

Get the code here!


Cloud Backup, Episode III

Iā€™ve written a couple
of times
before about what I do to backup all my important data.

My last post on the topic was more than a year ago though,
so Iā€™ll forgive you if youā€™ve forgotten. Hereā€™s a recap: originally I was using
a fairly traditional consumer backup service, ADrive.
This worked well because theyā€™re one of the few services that provides access
by Rsync, which made it easy to run scripted backup jobs on my linux
. Their account structure didnā€™t really meet my needs, however: you
pay for the storage you have available to you, not what you use. When I hit the
upper limit of my account the next tier up didnā€™t make financial sense, so I

About 15 months ago I moved my backups over to Googleā€™s Cloud Platform. This gives me an
unlimited amount of storage space, and I just pay for what I use at a rate of
$0.02/GB/Month. This has been working well for me.

In December I
. They offer a service very similar to Googleā€™s (or Amazon S3, or
Microsoft Azure, or any of the other players in this space that you may have
heard of), except they cost a quarter of the price at $0.005/GB/Month. Thereā€™s
even a free tier, so you donā€™t pay anything for the first 10GB. When I first
looked at them their toolset for interacting with their storage buckets really
wasnā€™t where I needed it to be to make them viable, but theyā€™ve been iterating
quickly. I checked again this week, and Iā€™ve already started moving some of my
backups over.

In time, I plan to switch all my backups over. So far Iā€™ve
moved my documents folder and backups of my webserver, which totals about
2.5GB. Thatā€™s nice, because it means Iā€™m still within the free tier. The next
thing to tackle is the backups of all our photos and music, which combine at
around 110GB. That means I have to transfer 110GB of data though, which is
going to be a painful experience. Iā€™m still thinking about the best way to do
it, but probably the direction Iā€™ll go is to spin up a VPS and have it handle
the download of the backup from Google and the upload to Backblaze, then it
doesnā€™t hog all the bandwidth I have on my home internet connection.

The only other thing to think about with Backblaze is
versioning. Google offers versioning on their storage buckets, but I have it
disabled. With Backblaze there is no option (at least not that Iā€™ve found) to
disable this feature ā€“ meaning previous versions of files are retained and
count toward my storage bill.

Iā€™m torn on this. The easy thing to do would be to disable
it, assuming one of Backblazeā€™s future iterations of their service offering is
in fact the ability to turn this off. Iā€™m thinking though that the smarter
thing to do is make use of it.

For me and my consumer needs, that will most likely mean I
put together a PHP script or two to more intelligently manage it, however. Some
past versions are nice, but some of the files in my backup are changed pretty
frequently, and I definitely donā€™t need an unlimited history.

Still, Iā€™m very much pleased with the price of B2, and
watching the feature set rapidly improve over the past couple of months gives
me confidence that I can move my backups over and keep them there for the
long-term, because the transition from one service to another is not something
I want to put myself through too often.