
I’m Back!!

Did you miss me?

Hopefully you didnā€™t even notice I was gone, but two days ago Tumblr terminated my account, removing this blog and Shrapnel from the internet. I immediately contacted support as directed and heard back from them yesterday evening: my account had been closed for contravening Tumblrā€™s community guidelines in relation to spamming and affiliate marketing.

I replied to make the point that at no point have I engaged in spamming or affiliate marketing, and apparently someone there agreed because I am now back online. The issue, as it turns out, was that my two Tumblr blogs were sending visitors back to (where I had a script that presented the blog content in a subfolder, integrating it into the site to a much greater degree than a separate domain would).

In the short-term Iā€™ve removed the redirect by simply resetting my blogā€™s theme to the default, and Iā€™ll take some time on the weekend to restore the look and feel I had previously, and probably give each of them a custom subdomain.

In the longer term, I think itā€™s time to start looking for an alternative blogging platform. When it seemed as though all the content I had on this blog had disappeared I was extremely disappointed. I run my own server, so I probably shouldnā€™t be relying on third-party services anyway.

The obvious suggestion would be to install WordPress, and while that would work great for my blog content I think Iā€™d have a hard time implementing some of the other site pages on that platform. What I want is a CMS (to give me the ability to quickly and easily manage and edit content) that lets me build custom bits and pieces (like my feed page) on top of it. Iā€™ve chosen PyroCMS. Itā€™s built on the CodeIgniter framework that Iā€™ve previously used which should make for relatively easy extensibility. Itā€™s going to take me some time, but Iā€™ve installed it on my development server to start getting my hands dirty. Iā€™m just happy Iā€™m back online and I donā€™t have to spend this weekend trying to rebuild.


I don’t know yet how or if I’ll use this feature, but it feels like something that will be very useful once I figure out what it means to me.



Look at that GIF up above. Thatā€™s a post graduating from the dashboard and living wherever it wants. Like: inside a blog post elsewhere on the internet. Or: on a content-driven site for social news and entertainment. Totally up to you.

Wherever you put it, it behaves the way a post should. Itā€™s likeable, rebloggable, has its tags, is properly credited, all that.

How to do it: From your dashboard, just copy the embed code from a postā€™s share menu, then paste it anywhere embed codes can go. Enjoy.

What they look like: See these fine pieces from: Refinery29 on Tumblr feminism; HuffPo on the best art GIFs of the year; ET on Parks & Rec;Ā BuzzFeed on SNL afterparties feat. Kristen Wiig and Harry Styles.


I don’t know yet how or if I’ll use this feature, but it feels like something that will be very useful once I figure out what it means to me.



Look at that GIF up above. Thatā€™s a post graduating from the dashboard and living wherever it wants. Like: inside a blog post elsewhere on the internet. Or: on a content-driven site for social news and entertainment. Totally up to you.

Wherever you put it, it behaves the way a post should. Itā€™s likeable, rebloggable, has its tags, is properly credited, all that.

How to do it: From your dashboard, just copy the embed code from a postā€™s share menu, then paste it anywhere embed codes can go. Enjoy.

What they look like: See these fine pieces from: Refinery29 on Tumblr feminism; HuffPo on the best art GIFs of the year; ET on Parks & Rec;Ā BuzzFeed on SNL afterparties feat. Kristen Wiig and Harry Styles.


Comments, Likes and Reblogs

I made a few minor improvements to my custom tumblr theme last night, and the end result is that you can now comment on the stuff that I post here. Yay!

If you’re also on tumblr and you choose to like or reblog one of my posts then that shows up too. If you’re on the main page of the blog then a count appears just underneath the tags to the left of this text (assuming that there’s anything to count), and if you’ve clicked in to a post or followed a link from my twitter or elsewhere then there’s a more detailed listing of the tumblr love received toward the bottom of the page. This applies to both this blog and shrapnel, although shrapnel has no comments.

That being said, I haven’t made it easy to like, reblog or follow me. The specialised and complex nature of my exact setup (of course) means that the standard links for these functions that tumblr puts on the page don’t work, so I’ve turned them off altogether. Next on the to-do list is for me to bring them back, so watch out for that and show me some tumblr love when you see them.