

Charlie Brown received his most recent BarkBox today, and he loves it when he gets mail.

I can hear him in the living room playing with the pink squeaky thing even now.



When Charlie Brown was a puppy Uncle Reza was his roommate. Today he visited from Montreal, and craziness ensued.



Charlie Brown VS the GIANT Rubber Duck -I think the duck is winning #dogsofinstagram #rubberduck

I love this so much. Look at his face! He’s pretty mad about the whole duck situation.



Charlie Brown VS the GIANT Rubber Duck -I think the duck is winning #dogsofinstagram #rubberduck

I love this so much. Look at his face! He’s pretty mad about the whole duck situation.



Flo recently bought a submarine for Charlie Brown to play with in the pool, then told him that he wasn’t allowed to touch it in case his hair got caught in the propeller.

The battery has since been removed.


Meet Charlie Brown. Here he is, relaxing in the sun in front of our living room patio door. He’s a Yorkshire Terrier, he turns five years old next month, you can follow him on twitter, and he’s the smartest dog in our family.

Well OK, he’s our only dog. But that’s besides the point. He’s still pretty smart.

I’ve been teaching him about ROWE.

Given that I do at least half my work from home and Charlie lives here too, it’s important that he understands that work is a thing that I do, not a place that I go.

If I’m heading into the office then I make sure I use the language “going to the office” as I’m leaving and I tell him where I’m going (as opposed to “going to work”). I reserve the word “work” to describe why I can’t be disturbed and I’m unavailable for ball throwing or belly rubs or other things that rank highly on Charlie’s list of priorities.

He gets it. If I tell him I’m working then he either goes and amuses himself elsewhere or sits quietly on the sofa in my home-office to keep me company.

Now if only I could make him understand that people on speakerphone are not, in fact, intruders and don’t require barking at then we’d be golden.