
Meet Charlie Brown. Here he is, relaxing in the sun in front of our living room patio door. He’s a Yorkshire Terrier, he turns five years old next month, you can follow him on twitter, and he’s the smartest dog in our family.

Well OK, he’s our only dog. But that’s besides the point. He’s still pretty smart.

I’ve been teaching him about ROWE.

Given that I do at least half my work from home and Charlie lives here too, it’s important that he understands that work is a thing that I do, not a place that I go.

If I’m heading into the office then I make sure I use the language “going to the office” as I’m leaving and I tell him where I’m going (as opposed to “going to work”). I reserve the word “work” to describe why I can’t be disturbed and I’m unavailable for ball throwing or belly rubs or other things that rank highly on Charlie’s list of priorities.

He gets it. If I tell him I’m working then he either goes and amuses himself elsewhere or sits quietly on the sofa in my home-office to keep me company.

Now if only I could make him understand that people on speakerphone are not, in fact, intruders and don’t require barking at then we’d be golden.


Meet Charlie Brown. Here he is, relaxing in the sun in front of our living room patio door. He’s a Yorkshire Terrier, he turns five years old next month, you can follow him on twitter, and he’s the smartest dog in our family.

Well OK, he’s our only dog. But that’s besides the point. He’s still pretty smart.

I’ve been teaching him about ROWE.

Given that I do at least half my work from home and Charlie lives here too, it’s important that he understands that work is a thing that I do, not a place that I go.

If I’m heading into the office then I make sure I use the language “going to the office” as I’m leaving and I tell him where I’m going (as opposed to “going to work”). I reserve the word “work” to describe why I can’t be disturbed and I’m unavailable for ball throwing or belly rubs or other things that rank highly on Charlie’s list of priorities.

He gets it. If I tell him I’m working then he either goes and amuses himself elsewhere or sits quietly on the sofa in my home-office to keep me company.

Now if only I could make him understand that people on speakerphone are not, in fact, intruders and don’t require barking at then we’d be golden.


Meet Charlie Brown. Here he is, relaxing in the sun in front of our living room patio door. He’s a Yorkshire Terrier, he turns five years old next month, you can follow him on twitter, and he’s the smartest dog in our family.

Well OK, he’s our only dog. But that’s besides the point. He’s still pretty smart.

I’ve been teaching him about ROWE.

Given that I do at least half my work from home and Charlie lives here too, it’s important that he understands that work is a thing that I do, not a place that I go.

If I’m heading into the office then I make sure I use the language “going to the office” as I’m leaving and I tell him where I’m going (as opposed to “going to work”). I reserve the word “work” to describe why I can’t be disturbed and I’m unavailable for ball throwing or belly rubs or other things that rank highly on Charlie’s list of priorities.

He gets it. If I tell him I’m working then he either goes and amuses himself elsewhere or sits quietly on the sofa in my home-office to keep me company.

Now if only I could make him understand that people on speakerphone are not, in fact, intruders and don’t require barking at then we’d be golden.


They’re cleaning the parkade at our apartment building today, so Flo left for the office later than usual. The result being that we left at the same time, went to the same place, and took two cars.

As we were leaving I told Flo that she should take her usual route to get here and I’d take mine, and whoever got here first would get the underground parking spot. She didn’t agree.

We got here at exactly the same time. I actually arrived first, but that’s because as I was going through an intersection a couple of blocks from the office Flo was waiting in the turn lane to join the street I was already on. There is no difference at all in our chosen routes.


They’re cleaning the parkade at our apartment building today, so Flo left for the office later than usual. The result being that we left at the same time, went to the same place, and took two cars.

As we were leaving I told Flo that she should take her usual route to get here and I’d take mine, and whoever got here first would get the underground parking spot. She didn’t agree.

We got here at exactly the same time. I actually arrived first, but that’s because as I was going through an intersection a couple of blocks from the office Flo was waiting in the turn lane to join the street I was already on. There is no difference at all in our chosen routes.


When I was younger, whenever we went on a family holiday (vacation) my Dad would take a picture of us all standing in front of the plane we were about to get on.

These days you don’t go outside to walk to the plane – especially not here in Canada – and the metal stairs attached to the back of a truck are probably a thing of the past in most parts of the world now. Sadly, I am unable to continue the tradition.

That’s OK though, because I believe I inadvertently started a new family tradition with this picture from January.

The airplane selfie!!

Watch out for number two in the series tomorrow. I’ll try and get Flo in the photo this time too.


When I was younger, whenever we went on a family holiday (vacation) my Dad would take a picture of us all standing in front of the plane we were about to get on.

These days you don’t go outside to walk to the plane – especially not here in Canada – and the metal stairs attached to the back of a truck are probably a thing of the past in most parts of the world now. Sadly, I am unable to continue the tradition.

That’s OK though, because I believe I inadvertently started a new family tradition with this picture from January.

The airplane selfie!!

Watch out for number two in the series tomorrow. I’ll try and get Flo in the photo this time too.