

This Film Student Purposely Let His Phone Get Stolen So He Could Turn the Thief’s Footage into a Harrowing Short Film



Watch a Guy Make the World’s Largest Pumpkin Spice Latte and Then Drink It


[wpvideo Tkoe72i4]

I have begun to learn how to program my NodeMCU.

Granted, all it’s doing here is running the example “Blink” program that comes with the Arduino IDE, but the important point is that the little light is turning on and off because I uploaded some code that tells it to.

It’s not connected to a computer here. The USB cable is simply plugged into a power outlet.


[wpvideo Tkoe72i4]

I have begun to learn how to program my NodeMCU.

Granted, all it’s doing here is running the example “Blink” program that comes with the Arduino IDE, but the important point is that the little light is turning on and off because I uploaded some code that tells it to.

It’s not connected to a computer here. The USB cable is simply plugged into a power outlet.



A good while back Flo and I went for a date night at Telus Spark, during which I built the Useless Box.

Unfortunately it didn’t stay working for very long as a result of my shoddy soldering skills during the workshop, but I’m now the proud owner of my very own soldering iron, so this afternoon I fixed it!

As an aside, this thing runs at 3v: more or less the same voltage as the home-brew home automation devices I alluded to planning on my blog. Do I replace the simple circuit that runs this thing with a WiFi enabled micro-controller?



Move Over Sharks, Wild Boards Are the New Beach Terrors