
Hello (again), world…

Recently, the automated scripts that runĀ my websiteĀ have broken. I can run them manually just fine, but I donā€™t really want to do that. Theyā€™re supposed to run all on their own at 16 minutes past every hour.

The website is hosted with a free provider so much as I can complain, it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™ll get around to fixing it any time soon. My website is a mix of things I like to keep online. Thereā€™s a library of photos and video that I share, but increasingly in these days of social media things like that are much more fleeting – when you share something online people care about it for an hour or so, then itā€™s forgotten amongst the noise of newer updates from other friends.

TheĀ infrastructureĀ for all this is not easy to maintain on an individual basis, so I think Iā€™m just going to stop doing it.

Iā€™m not sure yet, but tumblr just might be my new online home. I think I can write some code that will run on my home server every day to post a few automated updates so that pictures I take and updates I post elsewhere will automatically feed into here, and I wonā€™t worry about the old photo albums and videos because nobody really cares to go that far back anyway.

But weā€™ll see if I ever get around to updating it or not. I havenā€™t updated myĀ previous blogĀ in two months though, so thereā€™s not a lot of point maintaining it.

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