
Comments, Likes and Reblogs

I made a few minor improvements to my custom tumblr theme last night, and the end result is that you can now comment on the stuff that I post here. Yay!

If you’re also on tumblr and you choose to like or reblog one of my posts then that shows up too. If you’re on the main page of the blog then a count appears just underneath the tags to the left of this text (assuming that there’s anything to count), and if you’ve clicked in to a post or followed a link from my twitter or elsewhere then there’s a more detailed listing of the tumblr love received toward the bottom of the page. This applies to both this blog and shrapnel, although shrapnel has no comments.

That being said, I haven’t made it easy to like, reblog or follow me. The specialised and complex nature of my exact setup (of course) means that the standard links for these functions that tumblr puts on the page don’t work, so I’ve turned them off altogether. Next on the to-do list is for me to bring them back, so watch out for that and show me some tumblr love when you see them.

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